BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

In a class of 80 students, the professor calls on 1 student chosen at random for a recitation in each class period. There are 32 class periods in a term.

  • Write a formula for the exact probability that a given student is called upon [math]j[/math] times during the term.
  • Write a formula for the Poisson approximation for this probability. Using your formula estimate the probability that a given student is called upon more than twice.
BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

Assume that we are making raisin cookies. We put a box of 600 raisins into our dough mix, mix up the dough, then make from the dough 500 cookies. We then ask for the probability that a randomly chosen cookie will have 0, 1, 2, ... raisins. Consider the cookies as trials in an experiment, and let [math]X[/math] be the random variable which gives the number of raisins in a given cookie. Then we can regard the number of raisins in a cookie as the result of [math]n = 600[/math] independent trials with probability [math]p = 1/500[/math] for success on each trial. Since [math]n[/math] is large and [math]p[/math] is small, we can use the Poisson approximation with [math]\lambda = 600(1/500) = 1.2[/math]. Determine the probability that a given cookie will have at least five raisins.

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

For a certain experiment, the Poisson distribution with parameter [math]\lambda = m[/math] has been assigned. Show that a most probable outcome for the experiment is the integer value [math]k[/math] such that [math]m - 1 \leq k \leq m[/math]. Under what conditions will there be two most probable values? Hint: Consider the ratio of successive probabilities.

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

When John Kemeny was chair of the Mathematics Department at Dartmouth College, he received an average of ten letters each day. On a certain weekday he received no mail and wondered if it was a holiday. To decide this he computed the probability that, in ten years, he would have at least 1 day without any mail. He assumed that the number of letters he received on a given day has a Poisson distribution. What probability did he find? Hint: Apply the Poisson distribution twice. First, to find the probability that, in 3000 days, he will have at least 1 day without mail, assuming each year has about 300 days on which mail is delivered.

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

Reese Prosser never puts money in a 10-cent parking meter in Hanover. He assumes that there is a probability of .05 that he will be caught. The first offense costs nothing, the second costs 2 dollars, and subsequent offenses cost 5 dollars each. Under his assumptions, how does the expected cost of parking 100 times without paying the meter compare with the cost of paying the meter each time?

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

Feller[Notes 1] discusses the statistics of flying bomb hits in an area in the south of London during the Second World War. The area in question was divided into [math]24 \times 24 = 576[/math] small areas. The total number of hits was 537. There were 229 squares with 0 hits, 211 with 1 hit, 93 with 2 hits, 35 with 3 hits, 7 with 4 hits, and 1 with 5 or more. Assuming the hits were purely random, use the Poisson approximation to find the probability that a particular square would have exactly [math]k[/math] hits. Compute the expected number of squares that would have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 or more hits and compare this with the observed results.


  1. ibid., p. 161.
BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

Assume that the probability that there is a significant accident in a nuclear power plant during one year's time is .001. If a country has 100 nuclear plants, estimate the probability that there is at least one such accident during a given year.

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

An airline finds that 4 percent of the passengers that make reservations on a particular flight will not show up. Consequently, their policy is to sell 100 reserved seats on a plane that has only 98 seats. Find the probability that every person who shows up for the flight will find a seat available.

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

The king's coinmaster boxes his coins 500 to a box and puts 1 counterfeit coin in each box. The king is suspicious, but, instead of testing all the coins in 1 box, he tests 1 coin chosen at random out of each of 500 boxes. What is the probability that he finds at least one fake? What is it if the king tests 2 coins from each of 250 boxes?

BBy Bot
Jun 09'24

(From Kemeny[Notes 1]) Show that, if you make 100 bets on the number 17 at roulette at Monte Carlo (see Example), you will have a probability greater than 1/2 of coming out ahead. What is your expected winning?


  1. Private communication.