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revprev | Admin | Nov 22'23 at 0:26 | +19 | m | |
revcur | Admin | (Created page with "The first thing to notice that isn’t entirely apparent is that this is a perpetuity. We nest need to find k, which in this case will be the first yearly payment. This will be: <math display = "block"> K = 7s_{\overline{2}|.11} = 14.77 </math> Next we need to find the yearly interest rate: <math display = "block"> i = (1 + .22/2)^2 – 1 = .2321 r = .09 </math> Since i > r <math display = "block"> \textrm{PV} = k/(i + r) = 14.77/(.2321 - .09) = 103.94. </math>...") | Nov 22'23 at 0:26 | +736 |