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revAdmin (Created page with "An annuity immediate pays an initial benefit of 1 per year, increasing by 10.25% every four years. The annuity is payable for 40 years. Using an annual effective rate of 5%, find the present value of this annuity. <ul class="mw-excansopts"> <li>21.5</li> <li>22.3</li> <li>23.8</li> <li>24.1</li> <li>24.6</li> </ul> '''References''' {{cite web |url=https://web2.uwindsor.ca/math/hlynka/392oldtests.html |last=Hlynka |first=Myron |website=web2.uwindsor.ca | title = Unive...")Nov 26'23 at 22:37+561