Revision as of 18:21, 13 May 2024 by Admin (Created page with "# List at least three data types in C ## On your computer, how much memory does each require? ## Which ones can be used in place of another? Why? ### Are there any limitations on these uses? ### If so, what are they? ### Is it necessary to do anything special to use the alternative? # Can the name we use for a data type (e.g. 'int', 'float') be used as a variable?")
ABy Admin
May 13'24
- List at least three data types in C
- On your computer, how much memory does each require?
- Which ones can be used in place of another? Why?
- Are there any limitations on these uses?
- If so, what are they?
- Is it necessary to do anything special to use the alternative?
- Can the name we use for a data type (e.g. 'int', 'float') be used as a variable?
ABy Admin
May 13'24
- 3 data types : long int, short int,float.
- On my computer :
- long int : 4 bytes
- short int : 2 bytes
- float : 4 bytes
- we can not use 'int' or 'float' as a variable's name.
Wikibooks contributors. "C Programming/Exercise solutions". Wikibooks. Wikibooks. Retrieved 13 May 2024.