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BBy Bot
Jun 09'24


A coin has an unknown bias [math]p[/math] that is assumed to be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. The coin is tossed [math]n[/math] times and heads turns up [math]j[/math] times and tails turns up [math]k[/math] times. We have seen that the probability that heads turns up next time is

[[math]] \frac {j + 1}{n + 2}\ . [[/math]]

Show that this is the same as the probability that the next ball is black for the Polya urn model of Exercise. Use this result to explain why, in the Polya urn model, the proportion of black balls does not tend to 0 or 1 as one might expect but rather to a uniform distribution on the interval [math][0,1][/math].