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May 14'23


You are given the following information on losses paid for each of AY1 through AY4:

Incremental Loss Payments through Development Year
Accident Year Earned Premium Expected Loss Ratio 0 1 2 3
AY1 35,500 0.71 10,500 7,500 4,800 1,340
AY2 31,200 0.73 13,050 5,025 1,400
AY3 X 0.75 12,500 7,250

AY4 X + 5,000 0.75 18,400

The estimated loss reserve using the expected loss ratio method is 43,412.

Calculate X.

  • 48,964
  • 49,674
  • 51,875
  • 52,174
  • 54,785

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.

May 14'23

Key: A

Accident Year Expected Ultimate Loss Cumulative Paid-to-date Reserve
AY1 35,500*0.71 = 25, 205 24,140 1065
AY2 31,200*0.73 = 22,776 19,475 3301
AY3 0.75X 19,750 0.75 X −19,750
AY4 0.75( X + 5000) 18,400 0.75( X + 5000) −18,400

43,412 = 1065 + 3301 + 0.75 X −19,750 + 0.75( X + 5000) −18,400 [math]\Rightarrow [/math] X = 48,964

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.