Revision as of 00:56, 18 November 2023 by Admin (Created page with "A ten-year certificate of deposit pays an annual effective interest rate of 8%. If the balance is withdrawn before the end of ten years, the purchaser can choose between two different penalties: #a loss of the last nine months’ interest. #a reduction in the annual effective rate of interest to j. If the purchaser withdraws the funds after three years, the two penalties are equivalent. Calculate j <ul class="mw-excansopts"><li>5.74%</li><li>5.94%</li><li>6.14%</li><...")
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ABy Admin
Nov 18'23


A ten-year certificate of deposit pays an annual effective interest rate of 8%. If the balance is withdrawn before the end of ten years, the purchaser can choose between two different penalties:

  1. a loss of the last nine months’ interest.
  2. a reduction in the annual effective rate of interest to j.

If the purchaser withdraws the funds after three years, the two penalties are equivalent.

Calculate j

  • 5.74%
  • 5.94%
  • 6.14%
  • 6.34%
  • 6.54%

Copyright 2023 . The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.

ABy Admin
Nov 18'23

Solution: B

Assuming the loss of interest is the loss of the last 9 months interest:

[[math]] \begin{aligned} & (1.08)^{3-0.75}=(1.08)^{2.25}=1.189=(1+j)^3 \\ & j=5.94 \% \end{aligned} [[/math]]

Copyright 2023 . The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.