Revision as of 19:24, 18 November 2023 by Admin (Created page with "Using time 5 as the first reference point, then bringing that value back to time 0: <math display = "block"> v^5[500\ddot{a}_{\overline{5}|i} + 500(I\ddot{a})_{\overline{5}|i}] </math> This combines a five-year level annuity-due of 500 plus an increasing annuity-due starting with 500 and increasing by 500. {{soacopyright | 2023 }}")
ABy Admin
Nov 18'23
Using time 5 as the first reference point, then bringing that value back to time 0:
v^5[500\ddot{a}_{\overline{5}|i} + 500(I\ddot{a})_{\overline{5}|i}]
This combines a five-year level annuity-due of 500 plus an increasing annuity-due starting with 500 and increasing by 500.