May 14'23


For an aggregate loss distribution S:

  1. The number of claims has a negative binomial distribution with [math]r = 16[/math] and [math]\beta = 6[/math] .
  2. The claim amounts are uniformly distributed on the interval (0, 8).
  3. The number of claims and claim amounts are mutually independent.

Calculate the premium such that the probability that aggregate losses will exceed the premium is 5% using the normal approximation for aggregate losses.

  • 500
  • 520
  • 540
  • 560
  • 580

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.

May 14'23

Key: D

We have the following table:

Item Dist E() Var()
Number claims NB(16,6) 16(6) = 96 16(6)(7) = 672
Claim amounts U(0,8) (8 − 0)2 / 12 = 5.33
Aggregate 4(96) = 384 96(5.33) + 672(42 ) = 11, 264

Premium = [math]\operatorname{E}(S ) + 1.645 \sqrt{\operatorname{E}[S )} = 384 + 1.645 \sqrt{11,264} = 559 [/math]

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.