BBy Bot
Jun 09'24


In Example, we were interested in testing the hypothesis that a new form of aspirin is effective 80 percent of the time rather than the 60 percent of the time as reported for standard aspirin. The new aspirin is given to [math]n[/math] people. If it is effective in [math]m[/math] or more cases, we accept the claim that the new drug is effective 80 percent of the time and if not we reject the claim. Using the Central Limit Theorem, show that you can choose the number of trials [math]n[/math] and the critical value [math]m[/math] so that the probability that we reject the hypothesis when it is true is less than .01 and the probability that we accept it when it is false is also less than .01. Find the smallest value of [math]n[/math] that will suffice for this.