ABy Admin
May 14'23


You are given the following earned premiums for three calendar years:

Calendar Year Earned Premium
CY5 7,706
CY6 9,200
CY7 10,250

All policies have a one-year term and policy issues are uniformly distributed through each year.

The following rate changes have occurred:

Date Rate Change
July 1, CY3 + 7%
Nov. 15, CY5 – 4%
October 1, CY6 + 5%

Rates are currently at the level set on October 1, CY6.

Calculate the earned premium at the current rate level for CY6.

  • 9300
  • 9400
  • 9500
  • 9600
  • 9700

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.

ABy Admin
May 15'23

Key: C

Let P be the premium after the July 1, CY3 rate change. On November 15, CY5 the premium is 0.96P and on October 1, CY6 it becomes 1.05(0.96)P = 1.008P. The relevant parallelogram is:

% of policyearned100%50%0%CY3CY4CY5CY6CY77/1/CY37111/15/CY5-4210/1/CY6534

The upper left triangle for CY6 has area (1/2)(7/8)2 = 49/128 and the lower right triangle has area (1/2)(1/4)2 = 4/128. The weighted average is [49 + 4(1.008) + 75(0.960)]P/128 = 0.9768P. The current premium is 9200(1.008)/(0.9768) = 9494.

Copyright 2023. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.