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revprevAdminJan 18'24 at 0:29−26
revcurprevAdminJan 18'24 at 0:25+23
revcurprevAdminJan 17'24 at 23:29+26
revcurAdmin (Created page with "You are given that mortality follows Makeham's Law with the following parameters: <math display="block"> \begin{array}{ll} \text { i) } & A=0.004 \\ \text { ii) } & B=0.00003 \\ \text { iii) } & c=1.1 \end{array} </math> Let <math>L_{15}</math> be the random variable representing the number of lives alive at the end of 15 years if there are 10,000 lives age 50 at time 0 . Calculate <math>\operatorname{Var}\left[L_{15}\right]</math>. <ul class="mw-excansopts"><li>...")Jan 15'24 at 18:30+550