
ABy Admin
Nov 19'23


Solution: A

The principal repaid in the first payment is 100 – iL. The outstanding principal is

[[math]] L – 100 + iL = L + 25 [[/math]]

Hence, iL = 125. Also

[[math]] \begin{array}{l l}{{L=300(a_{\overline{16}|}-200a_{\overline{8}|})-\frac{300(1- v^{16})-200(1- v^{8})}{i}}}\\ {{125=i L=100+200 v^{8} - 300v^{16}}}\\ {{300 v^{16}-200 v^{8} + 25 = 0}}& \\ {{ v^{8}=\frac{200\pm\sqrt{200^{2}-4(300)(25)}}{600}=\frac{200\pm100}{600}=0.5. }} \end{array} [[/math]]

The larger of the two values is used due to the value being known to exceed 0.3. The outstanding valance at time eight is the present value of the remaining payments:

[[math]] 300a_{\overline{{{8}}}|}=300\frac{1-0.5}{2^{1/8}-1}=1657. [[/math]]

Copyright 2023 . The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.