Nov 18'23
Solution: D
One way to view these payments is as a sequence of level immediate perpetuities of 1 that are deferred n-1, n, n+1,... years. The present value is then
v^{n-1}/\,i+ v^{n}\ /\,i+ v^{n+1}/i+\cdots=\left( v^{n-2}/i\,\right)\left( v+ v^{2}+ v^{3}+\cdots\right)= v^{n-2}/i^2.
Noting that only answers C, D, and E have this form and all have the same numerator,
v^{n-2}/i^2\ = \, v^{n}/(vi)^{2}\,=\, v^{n}\,/\,d^2.