
Nov 18'23


Solution: B

Monthly payment at time t is [math]1000(0.98)^{t-1}[/math]

Because the loan amount is unknown, the outstanding balance must be calculated prospectively. The value at time 40 months is the present value of payments from time 41 to time 60:

[[math]] \begin{array}{c}{{O B_{40}=1000[0.98^{40} v^{1}+\cdots+0.98^{59} v^{20}]}}\\ {{=1000\frac{0.98^{40} v^{1}-0.98^{60} v^{21}}{1-0.98 v}, v=1/(1.0075)}}\\ {{=10000\frac{0.44238-0.25434}{1-0.97270}=688.}}\end{array} [[/math]]

Copyright 2023 . The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.