
ABy Admin
May 14'23


Key: B

We need to find the value of the claim X for which the deductible is 40% of the claim. Clearly the deductible is at least 80% of the claim for X < 500 and is 0% of the claim for X > 2100 . So we consider only the interval 500 < X < 2100. Since the deductible is linear on this interval, 400 for a claim of 500, and 0 for a claim of 2100, the deductible is given by the linear expression

[[math]] 400 + (X-500) \left( \frac{0 − 400}{ 2100-500} \right) = 400 − 0.25( X − 500) = 525 − 0.25 X [[/math]]

Therefore, we have [math]525 − 0.25 X = 0.4 X [/math] , which gives [math]X = 807.69.[/math]

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