
ABy Admin
May 02'23


Solution: C

Note that [math]X[/math] has an exponential distribution. Therefore, c = 0.004 . Now let [math]Y[/math] denote the claim benefits paid. Then

[[math]] Y = \begin{cases} x, \quad x \leq 250 \\ 250, \quad x \geq 250 \end{cases} [[/math]]

and we want to find [math]m[/math] such that 0.50 equals

[[math]] \int_0^{\infty} 0.004e^{-0.004x} dx = -e^{-0.004x} \Big |_0^m = 1- e^{-0.004m}. [[/math]]

This condition implies

[[math]] e^{-0.004m} = 0.5 \Rightarrow m = 250 \ln(2) = 173.29. [[/math]]

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