Jan 20'24
Answer: E
{ }_{4.5} V & =v_{0.5}^{0.5} p_{x+4.5} V+v_{0.5}^{0.5} q_{x+4.5} b, \text { where } b=10,000 \text { is the death benefit during year } 5 \\
{ }_{0.5} q_{x+4.5} & =\frac{{ }_{0.5} q_{x+4}}{1-{ }_{0.5} q_{x+4}}=\frac{0.5(0.04561)}{1-0.5(0.04561)}=0.02334 \\
{ }_{0.5} p_{x+4.5} & =0.97666 \\
{ }_{5} V & =\frac{\left({ }_{4} V+P\right)(1.03)-q_{x+4} b}{p_{x+4}} \\
{ }_{5} V & =\frac{(1,405.08+647.46)(1.03)-0.04561(10,000)}{0.95439}=1,737.25 \\
{ }_{4.5} V & =(1.03)^{-0.5}(0.97666)(1,737.25)+(1.03)^{-0.5}(0.02334)(10,000) \\
& =1,671.81+229.98=1,902
[math]{ }_{4.5} V[/math] can also be calculated recursively:
{ }_{0.5} q_{x+4}=0.5(0.04561)=0.02281
[math]{ }_{4.5} V=\frac{(1,405.08+647.16)(1.03)^{0.5}-0.02281(10,000) /(1.03)^{0.5}}{1-0.02281}=1,902[/math]
The interest adjustment on the death benefit term is needed because the death benefit will not be paid for another one-half year.