Let P(0, t) be the current price of a zero-coupon bond that will pay 1 at time t.
Let X be the value at time n of an investment of 1 made at time m, where m < n.
Assume all investments earn the same interest rate.
Determine X.
[[math]]\frac{P(0, m)}{P(0, n)}-1[[/math]]
[[math]]\frac{P(0, n)}{P(0, m)}+1[[/math]]
[[math]]\frac{P(0, m)}{P(0, n)}+1[[/math]]
[[math]]\frac{P(0, m)}{P(0, n)}[[/math]]
[[math]]\frac{P(0, n)}{P(0, m)}[[/math]]
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