
ABy Admin
May 14'23


Key: B

The year-to-year development factors are 12-24: 30,800/15,400 = 2; 24-36: 29,000/20,000 = 1.45; and 36-48: 16,200/14,100 = 1.149. Then the factor for 24-48 is 1.45(1.149) = 1.666 and for 12-48 is 2(1.666) = 3.332.

The expected ultimate losses are AY6: 20,000(0.85) = 17,000; AY7: 21,000(0.91) = 19,110; and AY8: 22,000(0.88) = 19,360.

The B-F reserves are 17,000(1 – 1/1.149) = 2205, 19,110(1 – 1/1.666) = 7639, and 19,360(1 – 1/3.332) = 13,550.

The total is 23,394.