
ABy Admin
Nov 19'23


Solution: E

Note that had the borrower 1) charged X at the end of month 0, and 2) paid off the remaining 3000 at the beginning of month 16, then the initial and final balances would have become 0. In that situation, the present value of the amounts charged to the credit card, minus the present values of the payments, would have been 0 in the 15-month period.

The amounts charged to the card were 79.99 at each of times [math]t=\frac{n-0.5}{12}[/math], for each whole number of [math]n[/math] from 1 to 15 .

The monthly payments were 250 at each of times [math]t=\frac{n}{12}[/math], for each whole number [math]n[/math] from 1 to 15 inclusive.

Then to make the final balance 0 , the final (additional) payment would have been 3000 at time [math]t=\frac{15}{12}=\frac{5}{4}[/math].

Therefore, we have

[[math]] \begin{aligned} & X+\sum_{n=1}^{15} \frac{79.99}{(1.168)^{\frac{n-0.5}{12}}}-\sum_{n=1}^{15} \frac{250}{(1.168)^{\frac{n}{12}}}-\frac{3000}{(1.168)^{\frac{5}{4}}}=0 \\ & X+\sum_{n=1}^{15} \frac{79.99}{(1.168)^{\frac{n-0.5}{12}}}=\frac{3000}{(1.168)^{\frac{5}{4}}}+\sum_{n=1}^{15} \frac{250}{(1.168)^{\frac{n}{12}}} \end{aligned} [[/math]]

Copyright 2023 . The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois. Reproduced with permission.