Apr 28'23
A mattress store sells only king, queen and twin-size mattresses. Sales records at the store indicate that the number of queen-size mattresses sold is one-fourth the number of king and twin-size mattresses combined. Records also indicate that three times as many king-size mattresses are sold as twin-size mattresses.
Calculate the probability that the next mattress sold is either king or queen-size
- 0.12
- 0.15
- 0.80
- 0.85
- 0.95
Apr 28'23
Solution: C
Letting t denote the relative frequency with which twin-sized mattresses are sold, we have that the relative frequency with which king-sized mattresses are sold is 3t and the relative frequency with which queen-sized mattresses are sold is (3t+t)/4, or t. Thus, t = 0.2 since t + 3t + t = 1. The probability we seek is 3t + t = 0.80.